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Soon we will be celebrating the light of Christmas as without out light and love we would not exist. At this time of the year we remember Christmases past when some of our loved ones where still with us on the earth, family and friends and pets that have passed over to the spirit world, as we remember them we are letting them know they are still loved. Also the relationships that we have had may have had with partners and friends that we might not see any more, perhaps wondering what if life had been different.
Our memories are the bridge between our hearts and mines. We miss those who have passed or walked away from us but remember them when life and such events trigger memories. Christmas is the time for forgiving and giving presents, not necessarily money or gifts, sometimes just your time or a kind word can lift someone’s spirit.
This year let’s try to remember the good times that we have had in our lives, the lessons we have learned and look forward to a season of giving and receiving love. Life is a complex journey with many obstacles on your path; don’t be afraid of these as they are put there to make you grow. These obstacles have made you, who you are today.
Everyone can heal their wounds and every person can change their world around them. Its only takes one positive change, one day at a time to be the person you want to be. Be kind to yourself, give yourself a break this Christmas, don’t stress about the small stuff and the material and just give what you can afford and no more. The most important thing that you can give to a person is your love and do let yourself receive love from those around you and most importantly remember to love yourself.
Not everything in life goes to plan, so don’t stress when little things go wrong this Christmas as life is never perfect and there is a solution to every problem, just be calm and you will cope.
We would like to thank you for supporting us throughout the year and your continuing support for 2019 as without your love we would not be able to give to those local nominated charities and others in need.
Wishing you all a very happy Christmas and a wonderful new year filled with love. Clairvoyant Medium Julieann Harper Trustee for Soul Workshops
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