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Book by Jock Brocas
BY Jock Brocas
What stops you achieving your dreams in your life? Why do you feel that you are trapped in a circle of negativity? Why do you never lose the few pounds that you need to, or turn around your finances? Why does it always happen to you? The answer is simple; fear is your nemesis; it changes your very thought pattern to resonate with its own negativity. It consumes your positive energy and tells you that you can’t do that – you can’t achieve that dream or that you will never amount to anything. In contrast your fears can manifest as those around you. It could be a relative or even a parent that is the catalyst for your fears. What happens if a father tells his sibling that he or she is useless and will never amount to anything. How does the target of his negativity feel?
Fear is not always bad; when a crisis approaches, it shows itself in the surge of adrenalin. Fight or flight? In dangerous situations, we experience a process called ‘the adrenalin dump’, which makes us fight or run, depending on the individual. As such, fear is a valuable tool. If an animal is attacked, it instinctively knows what to do – its survival depends on it. As human beings, we lose this ability all too easily. We become too comfortable or complacent and often don’t see what is right in front of us. When we allow the fear to consume us – we no longer remain the directors of our own lives, we fail to see the power that we have within and that we can achieve and do anything we want in this life.
Fear communicates itself to those around you. It shows in your posture, how you walk and hold yourself, how you approach the world. When you are faced with something you fear, your body responds internally with a faster heart rate and increased breathing rate, and externally with physical signs such as tremors in your hands. We manifest our thoughts so that the fear is shown in body language and sooner or later the fear changes our desires and dreams into fragments of a once too active imagination.
Overcoming fear under certain conditions when our minds are pushed into overdrive can be quite debilitating. The energy we exude from our consciousness draws the negative experience like a moth to a flame and attracts individuals, negative entities or organizations that want to harm us. It also creates the negative experiences that we manifest through our own belief and so the circle of negativity continues.
This outcome is a consequence of the spiritual law of attraction. The spiritual law of attraction is a universal law, what you emit you attract. Like attracts like; if your vibratory field emits a negative frequency, then you will attract others of the same frequency. If you give out a positive frequency, you will attract those of a positive disposition. Learning to control your thoughts and feelings enables you to develop a secure method of achieving success in all that you do – it is invisible to the human eye but it acts like an impenetrable wall.
So many individuals fail to manifest their desires and the only thing that stands in their way is they themselves. It is not enough to believe that a psychic or spiritual guru can help you to soul search to learn the art of co-creation in order to change your life. The universe is within you and you are the only one that can change the motion that is life – you are the artist with your own canvas and all it takes is the decision and intention to begin painting your own picture.
Intention is creation and to have the desire to change is not enough; we must have the intention to follow the desire and only then can we merge and replicate that same vibration that begins to attract our desires. Perhaps after you have created the desire and the intention – solidify the intention by writing down not only your intent but the affirmations to go with the desire and intention and so the path would look similar to this;
How do we affirm our intention? That is the easy part and can be very enjoyable. First you must have yourself an affirmation notebook and by writing some affirmations you are in effect commanding your subconscious mind to replicate your desire and intention in the form of a vibratory match by raising that vibration. You are retraining your mind to a positive polarity and to diffuse or transmute the negativity. The following affirmation is short and to the point, it does not need to be confusing and full of manure.
“I am a divine being of light, the universe provides all that I need and desire”
“I am a perfect co-creator of the universal energy that surrounds me and attract abundance, wealth and health”
The affirmation can take on any form of intention; perhaps you wish to lose a few more pounds – you could say;
“I am a wonderful being of light and every day I see myself as a fit, healthy, slim individual. My life patterns are changing to match my desires and higher vibration and I shed what I no longer desire in my body.”
These affirmations are short and to the point and you can make them your own for any purpose. By following the basic rules of accepting your fears and transmuting your negativity – you will change your learned behaviour and will attract all that you desire in your life. You have the ability to change your point of attraction to attract more abundance should you so desire. The ability to understand your fears is simple, accept them and take the first step into doing it any way – this will take you on a journey of magical proportions - a journey in which you are the co-creator.
Jock Brocas is a professional psychic medium and author of “Powers of the sixth sense – How to remain safe in a hostile world.”
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