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George King
Written by George King (with minor editing) in 1967:
''For 2,000 years man has questioned the words of Jesus. Some have even tried to prove His non-existence. Very few have adopted His Commandments in thought, word or deed. If the majority had done so, then the world would be a much better place than it is today and the clash between good and evil described by the Masters, would not have needed to have taken place.
If countries, instead of questioning the birth and existence of Jesus throughout the centuries, had lived by His teachings - His very existence would have been proven to all men in all ways; would have been proven to the world, so definitely, that there would not be a man on Earth who would not believe in His existence today. So excellent would be the conditions prevailing on the surface of this Earth, that no sane person would question the Master's Wisdom.
Thousands of years ago seers labeled this present age ''Kali Yuga'', the age of the great conflict. The Bible talks about the ''Armageddon'', the bitter clash between the forces of darkness and the powers of Light.
It is obvious that, since the Initiation of Earth on July 8th, 1964, so much tremendous power is now latent in the Earth - Herself, that the leaders of the dark forces must be getting very worried in case this power should be suddenly released and such a release cause their disintegration and rebirth in terrible limitations upon another world, where they would be so limited for thousands of lives that they could not enjoy their present position of sadistic power ever again.
Since the Initiation of Earth, all vibrations of all matter upon Earth are gradually quickening. There is a great natural speeding up of all life and all environmental conditions on this Planet. Even the ultra-violet emanations from the Sun are more potent today then they were prior to July 1964. *
It is this quickening which has caused the forces of darkness to make ready their next major moves, namely that of the enslavement of all life forms upon the surface of this globe. It is in anticipation of just such a move, that the (Cosmic Adepts) were here, with you!
Even centuries ago, the mythologies of various creeds spoke about such a time.
This battle between the Power of Light and the forces of darkness - officially called ''Operation Karmalight'' - began in deadly earnest on October 26th, 1967.
The main reason for ''Operation Karmalight'' was to seek out and transmute that entity - who had ruled the hells for countless centuries - known as satan. Satan, possessing knowledge and cunning, did not rule on a throne like a dictator, but carefully wrapped his identity up in four different physical forms and scores of different identities, and although his word in the hells was law which had to be obeyed on pain of a cruel death, he nevertheless was able to protect himself by the cunning concealment of his true form which took the shape of a male or female as and when he so desired.
The last Phase of ''Operation Karmalight'' was so arranged that The Master Babaji, Spiritual and Political Leader of The Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth, was brought into a man-to-man conflict with the last surviving aspect of the evil monster, satan. You should thank your God that The Lord Babaji won this conflict and caused a transmutation of this last aspect of satan during Phase 24, enacted on February 24th, 1969.
This was dictated by Karmic Law and The Adepts and the Lord Babaji obeyed the Law strictly to the letter.
The other bodies or aspects of satan had been detected and transmuted one by one by The Adepts before this last conflict began.
During ''Operation Karmalight'', The Adepts used Their magical skills and military prowess in a very humane way. In fact, They displayed a degree of humanity towards Their antagonists not demonstrated by any Earth men. *
The Mission had been successfully accomplished, in that the most powerful evil magician on the Planet Earth had been transmuted and his consciousness broken up into over 1,000 different parts, so that each part would - by the Law of Karma - be introduced into the reincarnatory cycle of rebirth under strict limitations dictated by this same Law.
Thus, ''Operation Karmalight'' started on October 26th, 1967 and ended on February 24th, 1969...lasting for 16 months! of the saddest facts of all, connected with this Mission, was the fact that Six Beings fought and suffered on our behalf without the vast majority of the world knowing anything about it.
That The Adepts manipulated Karma on behalf of every living entity on Earth during ''Operation Karmalight'' is one of the great Truths of our history. There will come a time when Karma must be balanced. That time will demand some type of repayment to be made by every sentient being on Earth to The Adepts for what They did for all men.''
* NASA scientists analyzing 30 years of satellite data have found that the amount of ultraviolet (UV) radiation reaching Earth's surface has increased markedly over the last three decades. (Source:
Changes In Earth's Ozone Layer Predicted To Increase UV Radiation In Tropics And Antarctica (Source:
* For more information about The Adepts and Lord Babaji please refer to The Aetherius Society.
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