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It was a week over the anniversary of my auntes death and I wanted to see if my uncle had put a stone on her grave as he had promised and said it was in the making for over a year. I charged up my new camera to take pictures in case he had not, when my dad, son, daughter and myself got there it was like a paupers grave. Nothing on it at all. When I went to take a picture the battery went, then this lady appeared and we began talking, and she said how her son passed over, then when I said that my daughter always tells me Jackie is not in the grave , she is behind the tree, she agreed. She then asked me of a church she could meet her son and I said Romford spiritualist church that night and I promised her they would talk! Then she promised to visit my Aunt every sunday and then walked towards the tree and dissappeared. When we got home my dad had taken pictures of the grave to show my mum. Later that night he went through his camera and the photos were gone???? Was this spirit activity????????????????????
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