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The swan is a symbol of Love and Light. It is perfect despite the dirt and filth of the lakes and p
Dear Honourable Presidents of ALL Mother Earth’s Nations,
This is a humble plea on behalf of all the Humans of the Light and Love on this earth,
That on numerous occasions when Mother Earth faced annihilation, the Galactic Federation of Light secretly and silently came to our rescue and prevented the destructions of humanity by the Reptilian Illuminati. The GFL deactivated all nuclear war heads on Mother Earth. The GFL has prevented USA taking nuclear weapons into space. The GFL has neutralised the magnetic fields put around earth by the USA which prevented the GFL spaceships from landing on earth. The GFL has offered to clean up the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico within 30 minutes but this offer has been refused by President Obama.
Please demand President Obama to disclose to the world, the destructive nature of the Dark Ones, the Unseen ones, the Reptilian Illuminati and their role in the Oil spill, 9/11, 7/7, Hurricane Katrina, Earthquakes using Tesla waves.
Please ask President Obama to admit to the USA’s multi-billion dollar Black Budget operations in the Deep Underground Military Bases, Under Mountain bases and Under sea bases where hundreds of thousands of Zeti Reticuli Greys have been cloned as workers.
Please demand President Obama to admit to the 40 or so man-made Stargates or plasma shields through which one can literally step out into worm holes or black holes or onto other planets.
Please take prompt action to give instructions to your radio and television stations to stop the spread of misinformation funded through the multi-billion dollar Illuminati Majestic 12 programme.
Please fund an independent spiritual education programme to make your people realise who they are spiritually, that they are Gods and Goddesses made in the image of God himself, to develop their higher consciousness and telepathic abilities and break down the barriers of man-made religions. Please eliminate all lower frequencies from your media by allowing your people to develop their feelings and hearts rather than their five senses, bodies, egos and minds.
Please prepare your people for the Golden Age of peace, Light, Love and wealth.
Please encourage a vegetarian diet, meditation, yoga and natural remedies.
Please demand that President Obama declares the Tesla Tower technology as the most eco-friendly and efficient power source on Mother Earth to replace electricity, gas, oil, petrol etc.
Please demand that President Obama takes measures to stop all cloning of Zeti-Reticuli Greys in the DUMBS, to stop the Greys abducting and mutilating humans, cattle etc, to stop all nanotechnology and nano materials from entering the water and food chain.
Please read the messages from the GFL being channelled by various mediums on
Please sign the petition for President Obama to disclose the massive presence of high
ly spiritually and technologically advanced benevolent Extra-terrestrial beings and anti-gravity flying spaceships from many planets in the Cosmos, so we may join our extended family and source of origin see
Those of the Love and Light respect the role of the Dark ones, the Unseen Ones, the Illuminati in the duality of coexistence of Light and Dark. The Universal laws strictly govern that those who reside in the higher frequencies in Love and Light finally prevail. We of the Love and Light bear no grudges against those who adopted the Dark ways and self-destructed because they were unable to handle the higher frequencies. We are pleased to move-on from our self-imprisonment.
This message goes out to everyone, of all religions to re-examine whether, it is possible that we are evolved from monkeys (when the monkeys are here amongst us and there are no half monkeys and half humans)? Is it possible that there is no life or intelligence outside of Mother Earth? The Vedas and Greek mythology and later Christianity depict Extra-terrestrial Gods from the heavens and the stars who created us in their own image. We are those Gods and Goddesses in the humanity of today. It is time to breathe in the Love and Light of our Prime Creator through the top of our heads and through our bodies, to re-activate all our 12 helixes of our DNA and raise our frequencies. Each one of us also prays for help from our extended family in the Cosmos to clear the Gulf Oil Spill which otherwise is sure to destroy all life on this planet. All oxygen in the ocean is depleting, the oil is being set alight spreading toxic fumes, there will be no rainfall as the oceans are covered in oil, all the life in the oceans which keeps oxygen in the water is dying. It is time for the people to take control of their inner strength and not allow their Free Will to be stolen by the Dark Ones who are themselves self-destructing.
Light worker Bringers of the Dawn Teachings from the Pleiadians by Barbara Marciniak 2hr 52 min 1 of 2 1992 2hr 23min 1 of 2 Ring of Power Empire of the City 2007
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