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Enlightenment and faith of the light workers:
Happy new year:
It’s easy sometimes to lose sight of the life plans.
It was happening to me until I picked up a book that is extremely enlightening and particularly encouraging because I had almost lost the will to live’ when looking at what's going on around me, but I am prompted not to lose faith in the fact that I am a spiritual being in a physical body on this planet doing my job as a light worker.
I do know about these things, but my inspiration was getting lost until found this, and began to read, it triggered my imagination and encouraged me.
These are some of the things that came to light.
What is the Global mind belt atmosphere? It is an unquestionable energy that is much more subtle than the physical energy, it is influenced and directed by our objective thoughts.
Emotions can be jolted out from this collective mind belt and can
affect us, as we recognise them, we can decide how to act on them by becoming consciously aware of what we are doing, our subconscious mind is connected to atmospheric belt and our superconscious mind works with it.
This was another way of looking at the collective universal mind that holds all info.
Studying Tai chi and chi kung and the Taoist way of living I have known about chi and learnt to connect and build on it.
Etheric life energy also known as prana or Chi and is often mistakenly referred to today as electromagnetic energy. It is not based on electro electric energy that is physical, it is more subtle.
What we perceive as our awareness/consciousness is the smallest part of the mind, the largest part is our unconscious and super-conscious mind also called the higher self or the soul.
This is a source of information; the superconscious mind and is connected to the infinite mind in the entire universe which explains why we can access the deep wisdom.
Your superconscious mind helps you navigate through life positively by giving you hunches and feelings that point the way to the best solutions that face you on your journey, when you acknowledge it.
Independent thinkers, trendsetters and pioneers are creating a trail into the mind belt so that others will sense it and follow their lead.
Your mind is a non-physical field of consciousness, and it is not fixed in your head, being consciously aware and receiving mental energy from the global mind belt enables your thoughts and emotions to be looked at, this energy will automatically be transmitted back to the field altering it each time.
Happy new year. Be Light. Be love. Be happy.
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