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Chrissie Batten Spiritual
Counsellor, Reiki Master, Author.
Sometimes, when we feel stuck, we don’t realise that we’re not actually moving anywhere, because we’ve reached a crossroads in our life where we have to make a decision, and decide which road to take.
Many people fail to move beyond this point because they don’t know what decision to make, or what action to take. So they stay in the same place, treading water so to speak, getting more and more frustrated…and afraid that their life will never change! Whilst their mind and their habits become more deeply ingrained, and harder to change.
The important thing to remember is that we are an energetic being, living in an energetic world. So if we stop ourselves moving out of our comfort zone, our energy will not flow correctly – leaving us feeling stuck!
However, we must realise that we can choose to take any road that feels right for us, and if it turns out not to be, then we can take the next exit point off and get ourselves back on the right track.
Another hurdle that stops us moving beyond our stuck points is when we believe the decision we make to move to the next stage of life, has to be a permanent solution or resolution. But the truth is our pathways, just like our problems, can change at any time. There is no real permanence to any situation or relationship, as everything in life

Mentality - How Changing
Your Mind Can Change Your Life and the World! by Chrissie Batten
is transitional…!
I’ve had a little book for many years, that I often use as an oracle. Written by Susan Hayward…titled ‘Begin it Now’. ISBN 0959043942.
The book contains various useful quotes to help us find clarity and guidance. I thought I’d include one in this blog, as the words were so pertinent to this topic of being stuck….
‘A step in the wrong direction is better than staying on the spot all your life. Once you’re moving forward you can correct your course as you go. Your automatic guidance system cannot guide you when you’re standing still!’
Written by Maxwell Maltz.
So, the important thing to remember is, when we’re feeling stuck, take some form of action that will move us off the spot, and get us unstuck.
We cannot always know our decision is the right one, until we’ve moved on a bit. But if we don’t do anything, we cannot move anywhere and nothing will change for us! Our destiny awaits…but we have to walk our pathway to reach it!
So however small, make that decision today, to change your habitual stuck behaviour that may feel safe…but is suffocating you and your creativity!
And although change can feel really scary, living with a mind that is filled with fear and regret, can feel like being tortured…every minute…of every day…!
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