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Mani Stone
Mani Stone (Back in stock)
The energies of Mani Stone encourage forgiveness, inclusion and the regeneration of hope. All of us need to make a practice of forgiveness, for our own benefit as well as that of others. When we hold a judgment against someone else, it is primarily oneself who suffers. Further, holding a grudge or judgment creates a fragmentation of union between beings on the soul level, creating spiritual disharmony. On the individual level, self judgment brings about inner fragmentation, a sort of low level mental illness which is experienced by most people. Working with Mani Stone with the intention of forgiveness, of self and others, can dissolve all of these complexes of negative attachment.
Mani Stone's quality of inclusion is related
to forgiveness. The psychological dynamic of 'us versus them' is the dynamic of exclusion, another disease of the ego. (it's ironic that we can pride ourselves on being members of an 'exclusive' club or neighborhood). Sometimes we exclude others, and at other times we exclude aspects of ourselves. In all cases, these exclusions lead to disunity and fragmentation, and they impede the natural flow of love. Mani Stone reinforces the flow of love and the practice of inclusion, within which we recognize all others as being the same as ourselves, and we realize that we are fundamentally One.
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