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Chrissie Batten
Intuitive Counsellor,
Reiki Master/Teacher,
As I sat struggling to work out how I’m going to manage to pay my bills and manufacture new products this year, it suddenly struck me how much I felt a victim of circumstance.
I’ve done years of self-healing and development, in order to rid myself of the negative influence of my victim personality. So I was surprised to discover my angst was being generated by the vulnerability and powerlessness I’d been feeling, because the cost of living is rising steeply and I just can’t see a way that I can afford to keep up payments on mortgage, pay bills etc., for the next six months, never mind for the next few years!
So I’d taken myself into the hollow retreat of searching for ways to increase my income, where my background thoughts kept reminding me how dire and futile my situation was! And where because my future felt so financially fragile, I’d unwittingly allowed my restrictive thinking to dominate the whole of my life, where worry influenced everything I did, and powerlessness and despair stifled my creative personality!
I failed to develop new ideas because I didn’t have enough money to produce my creations, so I’d started to stagnate my mind and exclude myself from society and life, as I waited for things to change and improve, viewing myself as a failure – simply because I lacked money! Life is what we make it, we all know that! But when we have a lack of money in our life, the rules of life change somehow, as there seems little fairness and so much opposition to contend with!
We live by rules that dictate who and what we become, that stagnate our creativity, life and our soul. But whilst rules and boundaries are vital for keeping order in our society, dictatorship has gone too far, and now I believe it’s time for us to stop worrying and decide how we want our lives to be! But can change happen when we’re all so afraid of breaking the rules, which whilst uncomfortable, actually keep us safe. And at least we know what we can and can’t do don’t we? NO, WE DON’T!! As most of us are only doing what our situation allows us to do!
Not only are we indoctrinated by rules that tell us we can’t, but also by other rules that tell us we must! We must obey the rules, we must pay our bills, we must do this or that! It’s no wonder many people are on the verge of hysteria, when life has been restricted by rules that keep us imprisoned in fear, and where we are afraid to break the rules in case we get penalised in some way, which will add to our distress and make us feel worse than we already do!
Whilst rules are intended to keep society equal and fully functioning, which is not how it is, the continuing increase of impositions bestowed upon us means there’s hardly room to breathe, with the dogma that’s been developed by the powers that be! Many of us have reached the point where our growth and progress has stopped, because we’re finding it difficult to meet the financial demands imposed upon us, and where as our minds are engulfed by worry and despair, feelings of hope and optimism are becoming more and more difficult to muster!
Sometimes I wonder if the conspiracy theory is true, because society has become so disempowered by unnecessary restriction that meet the needs of those in power, but not ours. And because we’re suffocating our soul power, because we’re too busy meeting the needs of rules, we’ve no time, energy or money left for our own enjoyment needs! Our mind is being torn apart, and our life is being wasted by worry! But time is short and precious! Our voice has been drowned so we have to find a way to make it heard now, so we can re-gather our strength and creative power. We have to find a way to get what we want and need to survive into the future. This means we have to consider breaking some of the rules that do not serve our purpose!
Because rules imposed upon us by organisation tell us we can’t do this or that so often, we believe the validity of the word ‘Don’t’ and get it confused with our own mind rules that make us unhappy, which tell us we can’t or won’t! So, whilst there are some rules we really cannot challenge, we have to find a way to hear our own indoctrinated, automatic, thoughts that uphold outdated rules of existence. Rules that keep us hidden or small, or poor, or needy! Rules that stop us trying to improve our self and our life! Rules that stop us believing we can make change happen! Rules that tell us we have to wait until we’ve got enough money before we can really start to live our life as we want it!
Our mind is our creative ally, and we must not let it get bogged down by rules! We must allow it to roam free, so that it can identify the best way to get us what we need. We must use our mind to our best advantage, not just by trying to work out how to find more money to pay ever-increasing bills, but by recognising when we are suffocating our soul with worry and doing something about it that can increase our feelings of well-being!
There are many things in life that we can enjoy and that are free! And whilst I know this fact doesn’t really help console the worry about becoming homeless and bankrupt, we have to remember to feed our soul enough so that it can regain it’s strength, and thus give us the confidence to fight back against the social rules of life that make us feel so uncomfortable and powerless! As it’s only when we are using our creative power that we will be able to identify how to bring abundance of all good things into our life!
But first you have to challenge your own rules and allow your mind to think beyond poverty and lack! Allow your thoughts to present pictures of beauty, abundance, success and hope! Allow your heart to believe there is plenty of money in this world and accept that you deserve some of it. See yourself surrounded by piles of money, throw it over your head, wallow in it, love and enjoy the experience! Then from the soul, tell the universe you are ready to accept the richness that life has to offer and the love, hope, creativity, happiness and success that financial confidence brings!
I hope you find what you’re looking for! Good luck everyone! x
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