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And a art it truly is if one can live in tune, in harmony with the deep rhythms of life. Unfortunately in today's frenetic world with targets and timetables to meet especially in the business and commercial world it's not so easy, but it is attainable and it's really an absolute necessity for peace of mind and spirit.
There are so many ways and means towards this attainment but it just seems that man has generally lost the way over the course of the millenia with the advent of industrialization and voracious commerce and of course the many wars and conflicts which sought to squash his true nature.
There are amazingly in these times however certain people who actually and consciously grasp this art of wellbeing as a way of life, the Danish being one of them and they call it HYGGE, pronounced 'hue-gah'. While there's no English word to describe this philosophy of living well, it can be likened to creating an atmosphere and experience of cosiness, of finding joy in the rituals of daily life and togetherness. Hygge is part of the Danish national identity and has been in their vocabulary since the early 19th century and it contributes to their reputation as the happiest nation in the world. In fact a book has been written on this subject by Danish author Louisa Thomsen Brits who describes it as a way of life, of being. Now that's saying something even though they have some of the harshest Winters globally. So, while most Danes are raised in the cultural embrace of hygge there are many ways one can open ones life to its richness and here are some of them.
Make each second count and live your life without regret. Regret just pulls you down and shrouds you in that cloying atmosphere of 'if I had only done this or that things might now be much different'. What's past is past, let it go. Focus on the now.
Free yourself from guilt and negative energy and hold your head up high.
Each individual soul is unique in the eyes of the Almighty and the Great Masters of the divine light.
Do to others as you would like done to you and you will find that you are able to walk free and light hearted so that even when faced with obstacles and problems you will get over them that much quicker. After all, life is full of these and if we face them positively without succumbing to negativity the sooner does the sun shine again in your life.
Make the small simple things life's little pleasures such as the following:-
Enjoying a cup of tea and eats with good friends or lighting a candle at the dinner table.
Pottering in ones garden fully aware of the flowers, the shrubs, tree's and the warmth of the sun and giving thanks for all this as well as providing water and seed for all the gorgeous wild birds which frequent our gardens.
Curling up with a good book and a mug of hot cocoa on a cold and rainy night.
Helping a friend, family member or work colleague with some worrying problem.
Get physically active. Exercise is so beneficial for good health as also for the health of mind and soul.
Forgiving. Don't hold on to that slight or wrong doing done to you by another perhaps even in error and which has been fermenting for months or even years poisoning you with bitterness. You have no idea how detrimental this is to your mental and spiritual well-being. Forgive people for their wrong doings to you even as you hope that others will forgive yours.
Get up early in the Summer months and take a trip to the beach ( if you live on the coast) and watch the sun rising over the ocean in all its fiery glory.
if you have a beloved dog or dogs take them with you, they too will revel in the outing.
Choose to be happy. Its as simple as that./ Stop being a victim and take action and be content with your lot in life. Its no good envying others their wealth or status, realize that Almighty God has placed you where you are for a reason.
Nothing compares to you. Each person is unique; we each have our own talents and gifts and the more one uses these, especially for the helping of others, the more enriching ones life becomes.
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