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energy healing
All healing interactions, have three possible components and this includes orthodox medicine.
The first is a physical technique. Interacting with the physical body to encourage natural healing. For example,using a splint or plaster for a broken bone whilst waiting for it to set so that is may heal in the correct position. Acupuncture around a break can free the energies and help to disperse pain. You can use Liver herbs to promote the activities of the Liver cells and help to speed up and eliminate toxins. These methods have a strong physical effect and anyone can learn and successfully practice these kinds of techniques.
The 2nd component is known as "magnetic" healing. This is the ability to heal using your own body energy to affect the subtle bodies of a patient or client. A lot of people have used this gift and are known as natural healers. There method required however no more than the desire to relieve the suffering. Healers can use this either consciously or may use it subconsciously while they practice more physical methods. This type of healing however tends to drain energy from the giver. This is why many health practitioners, both complementary and orthodox doctors quite often suffer from what is known as "burn out" that is caused be a depletion of their own energy.
To avoid the above the 3rd method of healing is known as "radiant healing" (reiki is the most common known). This method trains the practitioner to act as an access point for the patient to the unlimited energy supply of the cosmos or universe. This healing is taug

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ht to most light touch and none touch practitioners. Healers whom are natural such as "magnetic healers" would do well to learn these skills so that the healing process does not affect them and goes beyond themselves. Radiant Healing is an opening up to love and to learn to surrender the self to the love that fills the Universe.
The Healers Experience
Both types of healing, magnetic and radiant can produce sensations of warmth and tingling. Other healers have reported feelings of coldness whilst some healers and patients alike will experience colours. If there are very strong movements of energy then this can make the healer feel fain or as if they are being pushed. Healing energy will naturally flow to where it is needed most without the healer even knowing what or where the problems may lay. Healers often identify their clients symptoms, or may intuitively know what is wrong.
The Patients Experience
Healing at a deep level can occur during a therapy treatment. The first indicators are signs of relaxation. I must stress that it is not necessary to have faith in a healing for it work, quite often the faith of the healer is enough. However an ability to surrender to the illness by way of the healing process, and the outcome will be most likely to produce healing. Having such an attitude may transform your situation into one that gives you inspiration, joy and a deep experience of love.
in our next article we will look at the science of healing and how the brain activity works during a healing process. If you have an interest in energy healing, reiki, angel healing etc then please visit website for further details.
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