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Synchronicity. To me, when an event is so coincidental that it cannot just simply be a random set of circumstances, I do believe there is a significance of such mystery that it may never be explained.
I also love scientists' attempts to rationalise the mystery of life, and at the same time I feel sort of sorry for them that they cannot fully appreciate the divine behind the beauty they are trying to dissect.
I also love coincidence. Maybe because I am a lover of the mysterious, a watcher for divine intervention and a receptacle for spirit to work through me at times I am often told stories,usually unprompted, of coincidence which I feel have such synchronicity and intelligence about them that, surely, they can only have been orchestrated by something Divine and brilliant.
I met an acquaintance in the library and stopped to share her table in the canteen for a quick coffee. The lady told me she is moving away from the area. She had been looking at moving to Norfolk and on spotting an area called 'Little Snoring' on the map, she had jokingly called her husbands attention to it. 'I don't care where we go on the coast, as long as it is not there' she told him. Looking for houses on the internet came up with the perfect house, price, size,'s location? Little Snoring. So, despite the address, they headed off for a viewing. As they walked around the house, this lady noticed some numbers etched into a beam in the main bedroom. 'what is that?' she asked. The vendor smiled and explained it was the day, month and year she gave birth to her only son. My friend also smiled, it was the exact day, month and year of her own marriage. They had their offer accepted on this house, the only house they felt a need to view and they will be moving shortly.
I loved this story, it is a reminder to me that there is more to the Universal wonders that can every be completely explained.
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