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Depression (including post natal)
Depression is an inability to find a good feeling or thought about anything. Depression can affect almost everyone at some stage of their lives, because of the life that we lead or the stress of money, work, relationships, self worth, self image, abuse, and countless other factors.
What I have found with the clients that I have worked with is that depression is always to do with one or two or even more core issues and it’s these issues that eventually lead to the feeling that we call depression.
Depression is something that people seem to feel they have to live with, and I personally know people who have had depression for twenty years and do not do anything about it. However, as soon as they get a bad back they will go and see their doctor straight away!
So it seems to me that depression is always looked at as a strange illness and that no one really knows for sure how to deal with it, and as a result its sufferers are often made to feel that they can’t be helped.
Depression can be effectively helped using EFT, because depression is a negative thought or feeling. Using EFT will unlock the vault that holds this negative thought or feeling, because EFT works by taking the painful and emotional part of our thoughts and letting them go.
EFT releases negative emotions and by doing so the negativity is replaced with bringing relaxation and calmness into one’s life, and therefore bringing peace and hope.
Post Natal depression can be caused by the worry or pressure of having to be a super human mum! Together with the inevitable tiredness, carrying a new baby for months, the preparation for the big day, and the nagging fears of will the baby be healthy, will my partner still love me and am I going to be a good mum?
There are so many health fears that are brought to their attention once the baby is born; so mix all of these up and then throw in a large dollop of fatigue and is there any wonder why the new mums feel overwhelmed, frightened, inadequate then ultimately depressed?
Clients need to look at their fears and then work on one fear at a time. As we work together on each one, I usually start with the biggest fear of all and then work down in order of how important they feel to the client.
By working on each fear this brings a feeling of hope and happiness into their lives, and so they can enjoy being a mum again, and bask in their own glory of doing so.
So let’s tap on some things about depression, I am assuming you know how to tap and use EFT but if you don’t then please go to and download the “Basics of EFT” its free and once you have this you can tap along with this article.
First off let’s tap on the depression itself......
Even though I feel depressed I completely love and accept myself
If you can’t say love and accept myself, don’t worry change it to I completely accept myself and the situation. It’s important to say what you feel good with.
You could also say:
Even though I don’t know why I feel this way, or even though I don’t know why I feel so down or so depressed I completely love and accept myself.
If you feel or know there is a predominant issue or worry that you keep thinking about and it’s say about a relationship then try this:
Even though my relationship with john is getting me down, or making me depressed I completely love myself and the situation.
This relationship with John is causing me problems and I just can’t seem to help myself I completely love and accept myself and the situation.
You can change relationship for money, job, health, cancer whatever fits your problem.
If your depression is about fear of something then you can try:
Even though I am fearful of myself/my feelings/being hurt/ I completely love and accept myself.
The setup statement is probably the most important thing in EFT. The closer you get to your truth about how you feel and use the words that convey to your mind how you really feel the more you will take the sting and the depression from that part of your life. Try to be truthful with your mind
Even though I don’t want to say what is really bothering me I completely love and accept myself
You sometimes have to say things that you will not like to hear from your own self, the relationship issue for instance is a good one in question, but only you know the truth about what you really feel about it.
You must take responsibility for how you feel, you don’t need to blame yourself for whatever has happened in the past, so please no guilt; just accept that you have a relationship issue or whatever else is really on your mind, then you will feel things start to lift and you will soon feel better about that aspect.
Work on each issue with love for yourself and those involved, tap it out, these are feeling that you should not hold onto anymore.
If you need any help with this article please email me at
[email protected].
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