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The first things that hits you as you drive up to this magnificent building is that is has an aura about the place which is not surprising but what is surprising is that you can actually feel the energy before you enter. I have been brought up going to these kind of events and I just love them, I love looking at all the different crystals, books angel cards, smelling all the different smells and seeing what new things people have come up with. I love that its somewhere to go no matter what religion or belief you have and that there is something for everyone at these types of events. This weekend I went to a lecture and saw an ordained Taoist pronounced (dow-ist) and I can honestly say I thoroughly enjoyed his talk so much so I did purchase a few of his audio cd’s afterwards. When I sat down at the beginning of the talk and read what this talk was about I actually wondered for a moment why I was there. Within minutes of him talking I knew why I was there and he had me gripped; you could see and feel his passion for the subject he was talking about. He was a truly inspirational and an honest and genuine man who I am honored to have spent an hour with. He talked about yin and yang and just as he was so positive and inspirational I soon found out that my next encounter was to be the complete opposite. Talk about having to learn the lessons he taught quickly and keep a balanced perspective!
Shortly after this inspiring talk I went to another lecture by a lady that was to talk about living the life you deserve but when we arrive she then claimed to be an Avatar. An Avatara is allegedly a woman that has been chosen by the divine to deliver messages from the angelic realm to enlighten the humankind about what God really is although there was no mention of this lady being an Avatara in the brochure or being a pushy saleswoman. She started the talk by handing out a little bag which later I found was full of adverts for her tarot class, kabbalah class, angel class, meditation class, chakra class in total 12 advertisement leaflets and a free meditation cd that I later found out was by her husband also preaching the same rubbish as I had to put up with for 30 minutes before I found the courage to walk out of the talk. It would appear that he also gets to hear the angels special messages via his wife. This whole experience made me think. So many people go to these spiritual fairs hoping and praying they will find the answers. And something we all need to remember is that there are many people who claim to be sent from god or sent from the angels. When your gut is telling you something is wrong...well follow your gut feeling because usually something is wrong and not everyone at these places are there to help you. They are there to make money from YOU, It’s your hard earned money don’t be afraid to ask questions before you purchase or sit down to a reading. When I go to places like this this I remind myself to keep an open mind take things with a pinch of salt. If it feels real to you then it will be real. However, don’t be afraid to walk away from something that doesn’t feel right. You can attract a lot of positive as well as negative vibrations at these places. Luckily I had learned from our first talk how important it was to keep myself balanced and connected to source, so with this in mind and realising that my time was just too valuable to sit and listen to someone else inform me that “her and only her could connect to the universe and have an exclusive talk with Archangel Metatron, or to be honest any other angel you may wish to speak to for a hefty fee and her being only one of 2 people in the whole of the UK that this lovely angel has decided to communicate with, I really did have to ask myself some serious questions about staying to this silly talk. However if you have a good sense of humour and do not take these things too seriously then no harm done, but we do know that people are and can be very gullible, so please use a bit of common sense and your own inner spiritual guidance when attending these places. Please note the above is just my opinion and not meant to cause offense and is of course without predjudice.
Lisa Elsworth
School of Life Studies - Professional Training Providers for Holistic Therapists
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