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For those that have ever suffered with depression they will know that feelings can range from sadness to utter despair. Unfortunately, there are not many of us that manage to get through life without going through some rough patches, Depression is a form of low mood and unwillingness to activity that can affect a person's thoughts, behaviour, feelings and sense of well-being. People with a depressed mood can feel sad, anxious, empty, hopeless, helpless, worthless, guilty, irritable, angry, ashamed or restless. Depression can also make us more susceptible to illnesses due to it effecting the immune system.
?Crystals are amplifiers and transmitters of energy. Their job is to protect your energy with some crystals even absorbing the energy for you. The crystals will take on negativity that is being directed at you. And help awaken your best self.
Crystals for a positive outlook and thinking
Pyrite and Sunstone promote positive thinking whilst black tourmaline and smoky quartz can transmute negative energy into a positive one, My personal favourite is the Clear Quartz crystal this works wonders on clearing the mind, working on all areas of the body, clear quartz is an excellent stone for meditation, directing energies with more intensity. I will show you how to do a positive affirmation using the clear quartz below. Citrine is a crystal of light and happiness that will help you to live in the now. Citrine is known as a manifestation stone and will encourage you to dream big and maintain a positive state of mind. Blue Quartz is a calming and harmonious stone that purifies the mental, emotional and physical bodies, it will help calm the mind, reducing stress and negative thoughts. Green Aventurine helps balance both male and female energies bringing joy, happiness and tranquility whilst promoting an easy going attitude to life.
You can use your crystals easily by carrying them around with you or wearing them as jewellery. Be sure to keep your favourite crystals on you or in your environment. If you already have a keen interest in crystals and want to learn more, The school of Life Studies offer an advanced diploma in Crystal Magic. This course is amazing and will take you onto a further journey into the world of crysta
l healing. My favourite part of this course in particular is learning about crystal grids and layouts. It will teach you what they are and how they work.
Positive affirmations are statements that assert the truth of something positive, it is the shifting of negative thought patterns to more positive ones. Using affirmations can help you focus on what you really want to do in life. It can be an empowering experience and will open you up to new possibilities. Basically you decide what you are doing the affirmation for and why. No one else has to be involved and you can programme yourself to learn whatever you want. Below is a crystal affirmation that I was taught a very long time ago that I would love to share with you
For this affirmation all you will need is a clear quartz crystal.
What to do:
Write out a positive affirmation for yourself, Make it as powerful and appropriate to you and your situation as possible. Use positive phrases for example if you are feeling lonely and sad you may want to use phrases like: I love and approve of myself, I take pleasure in my own solitude, I feel the love of those that are not physically around me, I open my heart to all healing. If you are feeling nervous or afraid you could use phrases like: I trust my inner wisdom, Wonderful things are going to unfold before me. You may feel angry so positive phrases like: I forgive myself for the mistakes I have made, I let go of anger so I can see clearly, I surround myself with people who treat me well.
Cleanse your crystal - This can be done simply by soaking your crystal in sea salt. Fill a glass bowl up with sea salt or cooking salt and place your crystal directly in it, you can bury them into the dry salt or leave them on the surface. Leave the crystals for several hours or overnight. Your crystal should then be rinsed thoroughly under cool running water to remove all the remaining salt. After use, you must throw the salt away. I would never recommend using this again as it will have absorbed all negative and unwanted energies.
Place your affirmation under your crystal and leave them where they will be undisturbed for as long as needed, remember they are working for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
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