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After any psychic activity or treatment it is very important to close your chakras and cleanse your aura to ensure that you do not retain any negative or unpleasant conditions. This is particularly important for the healer. If you are constantly tired or find yourself being depleted by other people, it is probably because you are leaving yourself too open psychically. All Psychics, and all sensitive people, should learn how to close down their chakras properly.
Closing the chakras protects you from negative energy, so it is always a good idea to do it before you go out into the world, especially if you are going to be near stressed or unhappy people.
The Seven Major Chakras
1. Root Chakra - Red
2. Sacral Chakra - Orange
3. Solar Plexus Chakra - Yellow
4. Heart Chakra - Green
5. Throat Chakra – Light Blue
6. Third Eye Chakra - Indigo
7. Crown Chakra – Violet
Method 1
Chakras are often referred to as looking like lotus flowers. Start by Visualising yourself in a powerful white protective light then imagine your legs turning into two trees, see the roots going deep into the ground, 1000's of feet into the earth, spreading in all directions, feel the loving connection with the centre of the earth. Then visualize each correctly coloured petal of the flower closing to form a tight bud if you find the process of each petal closing too slow don’t worry you can do this as slowly or as quickly as you like you can perhaps let your petals fold rapidly. Do this to each of your chakras. You must leave the Root Chakra and The Crown chakra open as these are where your sources of

The School of Life Studies
energy are located. Do not worry if you forget and close all 7 chakras as the ones that do need to stay open will stay ajar.
Method 2
Stand up straight, with your eyes closed and visualize a white light coming from the sky right above you and shining straight through the centre of your body and into the ground. Start at the top of your head and imagine that a fine thread of the cleansing light is moving in a clockwise direction around you. Visualize the light gently moving downward as it swirls around you running through your fingers and toes each chakra it passes then closes remember to trust that the light knows exactly what it is doing.
It is much more important to close down your chakras than to open them because chakras open automatically open whenever we do anything on an artistic level, such as reading, singing painting even discussing the psychic field will automatically open your chakras.
There are no hard a fast rules to closing your chakras just experiment and do what feels right for you.
Closing the chakras protects you from negative energy, so it is always a good idea to do it before you go out into the world, especially if you are going to be near stressed or unhappy people.
Experiment with your chakras It can take time to become aware of them and feel the energy. So don’t give up. Learning to keep your chakras healthy and powerful is very important to overall spiritual health and will help you feel more energetic and grounded in your everyday life.
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