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(Cards from Universal Transparent Tarot)
Tarot cards can be very versatile in their use. Their images speak to our inner archetypes at a subconscious level and can help anchor ideas and beliefs that promote success and growth. Here is Tarot visual board for success. You can use it as you would a mandala or a “treasure map”. You can use it a visual reminder of what it takes to achieve success or as meditation tool, to connect to your inner power and wisdom.
At the top left corner we have the Sun, bringer of success and lighter of paths.
Underneath it is the Ace of Swords, to help us, one hand, to centre ourselves and, on the other hand, clarify our mind and cut off all the excuses and obstacles we mentally create.
It’s followed by the Ten of Coins, reminder that our success is rarely solely individual: it comprises family, friends and the community at large, and the more people it benefits, the greater it is.
Next we find the King of Wands, the business man per excellence, with a keen eye to spot opportunities, open to change and ideas, full of energy to carry out the necessary task and with the right mix of charm and strong leadership to elicit good will and cooperation from employees and associates.
Above the king we find the Six of Wands, the card usually associated with triumph, particularly in business. This card tell us that we can overcome any struggle, any competition that crosses our way.
And we end with the Three of Cups, at the top right hand corner. Here we are celebrating our achievements, with joy and merriment, together with family, friends allies. Our goal has been fulfilled and amid the running champagne and smiles, we are opening ourselves to inspiration, to new opportunities and challenges.
Some uses:
1) Visualize yourself as being the characters in the cards. Evoke the feelings. Mentally change the imagery to one more accord to your circumstances. How would you reflect the idea of the Sun, the King of Wands, the Three of Cups and so forth?
2) As a clarification tool. If the Ace of Swords refer to “cleaning” your mind of mental obstacles, can you identify this obstacles? If the Ten of Coins speaks of true success being collective, are you aware how your efforts are affecting your family? Are your goals benefitting other people besides yourself? That victory depicted in the Six of Wands, what does it really mean to you? How do you depict success?
You can also create connections between two cards and as yourself questions. For example, if you connect the Three of Cups with the Ace of Swords, you could ask yourself how the Three is an obstacle to be eradicated by the Ace? Could it be that you are too focus in the idea of fame and celebrated prestige that you are wasting energies that could be employed in more practical endeavours? Or could it mean that your project has not true purpose beyond obtaining public recognition? What questions come to mind when you connect the King to the Sun or the Ten to the Six?
3) As a visual reminder. You can add a motto or affirmation to the image and take a few seconds each day, just to observe it and repeat the affirmation, anchoring the idea of success in your subconscious.
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