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Card from the Gaia Tarot
Tarot-essences work with the principles explored by Dr. Masaru Emoto: that is, symbols have a particular energy that can be transfer to water and this water can serve as a form of subtle energy "medicine." The same idea is described by Doreen Virtue in her book about angels and flower essences, where she says that the picture or image of the flower holds the same energy as the physical flower itself, and can be used to create the essences (I suspect that the holographic universe theory can contribute to the discussion, but we'll leave that for a later day).
Tarot symbols are renowned for their power to access universal archetypes within the unconscious and the soul's landscape. Hence, the idea behind tarot-essences, is to combine the energy of these pictorial archetypes with other elements from energy medicine, such homeopathy, colour therapy and flower essences, to aid emotional and spiritual healing, as well as strengthen our personal power. I make no claim of physical healing with these essences, but people who have use them have reported, depending on the recipe, a calmer state of mind, a sense of joy, better focus -and a few assured me they felt more live, younger and energetic. It could be very well a placebo effect. Or it could be the power of Tarot working at a deeper spiritual and emotional level. Einstein said that you could live life as if everything was a miracle or nothing was. I choose the first one.
• Boiled water (large pot)
• Ice Tray
• Light blue drinking glass
• Large bowl
• Cards: The Fool, Strength, the Sun.
• Liquid Arnica ( homeopathic remedies)
• Sun Flower petals
• Apple vinegar
• Permanent marker
• Sheet of paper
• Cello tape
Fill the ice tray with some of the boiled water. Put the rest in a clean bucket. Place the ice tray in the freezer (try to put it where's the no frozen meat).
Photocopy/print the cards (landscape orientation). For this essence we shall give them the following meaning: “infinite courage which fears nothing and attracts success.”
Write down the following affirmation: I am infinite energy, a Divine spirit journeying though life to live fully. When I connect myself to this truth, I can successfully overcome everything.
Wrap the paper around the bottom of the glass with the image of the cards facing in and the affirmation facing out. Hold with the cello tape.
Once ready, put the ice cubes in the glass. Find a sunny space. Lay the picture of the cards. On the top, place the bowl, an inside of it, the glass with the ice cubes. Cover the top of the glass with a small plate or cling film. Say the affirmation out loud three times. Put inside the glass inside the bowl. Pour the rest of the boiled water in the bucket, making sure the water does not flows into de glass. Add the arnica, petals and vinegar to the bowl. Stir and say the affirmation three times. Leave glass/bowl until the ice melts.
Once the ice has melted, add nine drops of the water in the glass into the bowl. Pour the rest in the ice tray. Fill nine compartments. Drink any left over. Put the ice tray back in the freezer, covered in plastic film.
Pour the water (remove the petals if you want) from the bowl into the bathtub. Mix with warm water and take a relaxing bath. Visualize these new beginnings you are seeking. See yourself acting boldly in the new situation. If you have no specific situation, think of the cards and try to imagine a story with them. Where is the Fool going? How is he being brave and what success does he achieve? Now repeat the same short story with yourself in place of the Fool. If possible, air dry.
For nine nights, take one ice cube, put it in a glass and let it melt. Drink first thing in the morning, at lunch time and before going to bed, repeating the affirmation. You could pray for these nights, to add a more spiritual dimension to the process. If you are of Judean-Christian orientation or feel comfortable with that spiritual tradition, pray Psalm 23. If you would like to try something different, here is a prayer from the Northern Pagan Tradition.
In the Northern mythology, Tiw or Ziu, is the god who chains the wolf of destruction, Fenris. To do so, he willingly places his hand in the mouth of the beast, knowingly that it would tear it out.
Ziu, great God of Courage. You chained Fenris when it threatened the worlds. We humble mortals are unable to replicate this feat, but have more everyday ways to imitate your heroism. Give us valour to chain our inner Fenris. Remind us to be true to our duties and chained our fears, as you chained the great wolf. We praise you with all our hearts and honour your sacrifice by being aware of and contact with the Ziu within.
For a more inter-spiritual prayer, try this: "Spirit of Light, connect me to the courage in me; make me daring, make me wise; guide me in this enterprise with the comfort and strenght of knowing that you and I are One; that you have bestowed me with the talents and the lessons to achieve my goal with success; that you hold me in moments of doubt, and are are cheering for me all the way. We both know, I can do this."
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